About the project

E-TECH, or Comprehensive Project for Distance Teaching Skills and Multimedia Resources for Technical Universities in Europe (2020-1-PL01- KA226-HE-096375) was a project founded by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership programme.

About the project

Gdańsk University of Technology project core team.
Fot. Joanna Szakoła

The global digital education market is growing at an incredible rate. It enters rapidly not only into homes, businesses and corporations but also into academia, which has to compete with must adapt to a changing world. The fast adoption of online learning has been greatly helped by the pandemic and enforced social distance. In addition, today’s generation of students, especially at technical universities, is increasingly demanding with regard to teaching materials: they expect dynamism, a digital approach and very good visual quality. All of this means that higher ed teachers (with special focus on STEM) need to acquire new skills very quickly.

Among the most important competencies are: methodical, design and technical skills to be able to provide online education and create e-learning courses at a high quality. Help is at hand from researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology who, in collaboration with the Austrian university Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH in Graz and the Italian Universita Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, and with support from SEA – the Association for Academic E-learning, have set out to develop practical materials and multimedia resources to help teachers across Europe design engaging online education for their students.

The project results are: a comprehensive e-book full of practical advice and tips on online teaching at the academic level, e-learning courses for teachers and students and a bank of interactive resources to use in teaching process.

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